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How can I make oral sex less risky without nasty ass condoms

How can I make oral sex less risky without nasty ass condoms


You probably already covered this but, I enjoy giving oral sex, I’m newly single and feel like a super slut if I just give it to any guy. I want to be able to go down when I want, but I need to know how to be safe about it. How do pleasure guys without my mouth tasting like condoms?

Condoms do have such gross flavor. I completely understand you desire for other options. Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to lower your risk of contracting something that doesn’t involve a condom. Before I get into your question, I want to handle the question you didn’t ask.

There no reason to feel like a slut for sucking any quantity of dick. That is unless feeling like a slut helps you feel sexually powerful. Giving a blowjob “to any guy,” is definitely a bad idea. However, I doubt that you’re actually doing that because your town would be a much happier place. What’s much more likely is that you’ve blown a few guys but it makes you feel dirty.

Even if you’ve blown 500 guys it makes no difference. You’re still the same strong, sexy, & desirable woman you’ve always been. I know that many women feel it’s important to appear sexually chaste. You shouldn’t worry so much about what people think about you. If you do you’ll find yourself sexually unfulfilled and waiting until your 40’s to really spread your sexual wings. Try now to find the power in your desirability as a woman and as a master cocksmith regardless of the social pressures you feel. It will make your life so much more enjoyable.

Now on to your question…

In terms of safety, oral sex on a penis or vagina is a medium risk activity. It’s not innocuous like holding hands but it’s not as risky as anal sex. You are at risk for contracting every single infection you can contract from intercourse (except pregnancy), but your mouth is more resistant to infections.

Since you’ll be up close and personal with whoever’s penis, you’ll be able to get a good look for warts, welts, swelling, discharge, open sores, rashes, or any other skin abnormalities. If you see anything that looks to be no bueno then keep the dick out of your mouth. Make sure to get a look at the inner thigh, pelvis, scrotum and perineum (aka taint or the swatch of skin between the scrotum and anus). If your partner(s) have foreskin, make sure to pull is back.

It’s better to have the guy’s pants off so that you can get a better look at what’s going on. You don’t have to go CSI on the guy but a thorough visual inspection is an easy and unobtrusive way to decrease your risk.

If you have hairs around your mouth, wax them. You can get crabs (pubic lice) any place you have hair. Crabs can grab ahold to any hair follicles they find. Shaving will not help. If your partner is freshly waxed, you don’t have to worry about this one. Waxing removes the follicle, which makes it extremely unlikely that any pubic lice are lying in wait. Even if they were, you would be able to see them.

Make sure not to brush or floss at least 6hrs before going downtown. When you brush and floss you open up tiny fissures in your blood rich gums, which will greatly increase a virus or bacterium’s chances of successfully calling your body home. You will also want to make sure that your lips are well moisturized. It will make the blow job more comfortable for him and decrease the chances that your lips, which are also rich in blood, will crack.

My final tip is to avoid getting semen in your mouth. Even in a flawless mouth, gonorrhea bacteria can wreak havoc. You can develop pharyngeal gonorrhea, which is more commonly known as throat gonorrhea.  Most cases are cured without treatment but gonorrhea is becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics, so I wouldn’t take the risk.

If you, like me, love to swallow cum, you can rinse your mouth with peroxide or alcohol based mouth wash to get rid of any critters that may have come for a visit. If you swallowed his cum, take a shot of high proof liquor, it should kill anything lingering in your esophagus.

Getting cum on your face is fine. If it gets in your eye, make sure to follow these steps to get rid of the pain. If the redness lasts for more than a day, go see a doctor. It is possible to for chlamydia bacteria to affect the eye and cause trachoma.

If none of this works for you, you can always taste test a bunch of flavored lubes and flavored condoms to help you with the flavor.

I hope this answers your question.

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